Sling Safety
Thanks to Slingababy for sharing these fantastic safety resources during my training with them. I have attributed them to the original owners below.
The number one concern is making sure baby's airway is clear at all times.
H: Handsfree. Your sling should fully support your baby without you placing your hands on it.
A: Airway. Ensure your babies airways are clear at all times, chin off chest, plenty of airflow.
N: Knee to knee. The fabric of the sling should support the baby's thighs and bottom, from one knee to the other, so baby's legs are in an M position.
D: Deep seat. Ensure the sling is positioned so that there is a nice deep seat, so baby's spine can be in a J position.
S: Supported. The sling is supporting baby from knee to nape of neck.
The HANDS acronym was previously found on Sling Heaven website which is now historic. It is a great system and was the main one used during Slingababy Peer Supporter training.
(Some from Slingababy, some added by me)
Vary positions, alternate sides on which baby's head rests.
In case of reflux or after a feed, a vertical position is a must.Beware of clothes' folds as these could hinder blood flow.
Adapt your footwear so you are steady on your feet.
Beware of what your baby can reach, at home, in public places and public transport.
Ensure baby doesn't overheat, take into account your body heat and the layers of fabric of the sling which will reduce the need for clothing layers.
Ensure baby's toes aren't compressed by babygrows, simply size up or pull the fabric of the babygrow away from their feet each time.
Babywearing International, Inc. designed this leaflet and grant permission for anyone to use this unaltered image electronically or in print for education/information purposes.
TICKS were designed by the UK Sling Consortium. 'TICKS' is free for all to use and reproduce as required- it must not be altered in any way and no omissions must be made.
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