Sling Support

What is a sling?

A sling is any kind of baby carrier where the baby/child is 'worn'/carried by the grown up. This could be a long piece of fabric, known as a wrap, or a panel with straps attached, with buckles that click together, or a ring sling. I use the word 'sling' to describe all of these and any other baby carriers. You might have heard of some brands of baby carrier, such as Baby Bjorn, Ergobaby, Didymos, etc. Some of these tend to be more comfortable for the parent and child than others!

My sling background

I’ve been a babywearing/carrying enthusiast since August 2015, when my eldest was born. I started with a stretchy wrap at 8 days old and was immediately hooked! I was so grateful to be able to meet her need for closeness and have baby cuddles, whilst having two hands free so I could look after myself as well as her. I enjoyed carrying my little ones beyond babyhood, often on my back, and was so grateful for tandem carrying when my second child was born - keeping two children happy at once felt like a superpower! I particularly enjoyed using both stretchy and woven wraps and Connecta buckle carriers in all three sizes (baby, toddler, preschooler).

My sling supporter training and insurance

I trained with Slingababy Training School in 2020, 2021 and 2023, completing three of their courses so I could learn how to support parents (and anyone else!) to carry their little ones using slings and feed babies in them too. I’m using ‘sling’ as a general term for any type of baby carrier, whether it’s a long piece of fabric, a structured carrier with buckles, a ring sling, or anything else suitable! The courses were:

The courses I have taken enable me to help you learn how to safely carry your little one (and I’m fully insured by Therapist Insurance to do so). I can support you from pregnancy onwards, so you can familiarise yourself with the sling options and safety checks and practise with a demo doll so that it's easier to learn to wear your baby once they arrive

What I can help you with

Sling use and safety

Feeding your baby in a sling

Carrying your baby on your front, from birth onwards (no upper limit!)

Carrying your baby on your back, from when they and you are both ready (this varies)

Carrying your toddler, pre-schooler or older child:

Carrying more than one child

Please get in touch to let me know what you’d like support with. If it’s not mentioned above, you can always ask and I can let you know what I can help with. As a fully trained Carrying Consultant I can also help you with carrying in special circumstances, such as carrying a premature baby, twins, carrying when the parent or child has special needs. If I do not feel confident in the area, I will seek support from other carrying consultants in order to support you as best I can. I can also signpost you to more experienced carrying consultants if needed.

Soham Sling Library - hire a sling

I have a small selection of slings available to borrow for £10/fortnight (or pay what feels comfortable thanks to the Random Act of Kindness Fund). I will also take a refundable deposit equivalent to the RRP of the sling (usually about £50) in case of a non-return (again, the RAOK fund can help). I also have some demonstration-only slings in addition to this list. Some slings are out on loan, if you know what you're looking for, just ask if it's in stock.

If you have a sling you're happy to donate to the sling library, that would be so appreciated so I can offer more to families. 

How much does it cost?

I charge £30 per hour (bookable in 30 min chunks depending on your requirements). The Random Act of Kindness Fund can help you pay for up to half, to ensure it is accessible, so you can pay what feels comfortable for you and I will get paid the rest from the RAOK Fund if needed. 60-90 minutes is usually about right for trying one or two new slings and getting a really comfortable fit and learning the safety checks. Feeding in a sling would add about 30 minutes to this time.

Sling hire is £10/fortnight plus £50 deposit.

I am also a breastfeeding counsellor (insured to work privately by Therapist Insurance) and I can support you with feeding as well as slings if needed, in the same appointment, so long as sufficient time is booked and paid for.  Breastfeeding support is also £30 per hour, so we can mix and match during the appointment if you'd like.

Get in touch to find out more, discuss your requirements or book a support session with me, email me at or see contact me page for details of how to get in touch.

My first ever time babywearing! 

Front carry in a buckles carrier whilst eating an ice cream

Breastfeeding in a stretchy wrap

Baby back carry in a woven wrap

Toddler buckles back carry

Tandem carry, stretchy wrap front and toddler buckles back

Toddler back carry in a woven wrap

The next generation of babywearing 🥰